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Queen’s Bench Bar Association of the San Francisco Bay Area

Mission Statement

As a 501(c)(6) organization, Queen’s Bench fosters professional and social relationships among women lawyers while promoting equality and opportunity for all women through education, programs, and community outreach.

Why Join Queen’s Bench?

  • Discounts on MCLEs and events
  • Opportunities to network with some of the finest legal professionals in the country
  • Exclusive access to legal job postings through Queen's Bench digest and website
  • Opportunities to leave your mark on the most important issues of the day
Become a Member

Our History

Queen’s Bench Bar Association of the San Francisco Bay Area was formed in 1921 by a group of women lawyers frustrated by the resistance of male lawyers to their participation in the local bar association. We gain inspiration from these visionary women and our long and proud tradition of Queen’s Bench members standing up for equal rights and equal opportunity, and working together to achieve our goals.

Queen’s Bench seeks to advance the interests of women in law and society, and plays an integral part in furthering the progress of women in the legal profession. We are a non-profit voluntary membership organization made up of attorneys, judges and law students. Queen’s Bench also seeks to advance equality and opportunity for all women.

Queen’s Bench’s committees are vital to achieving its mission. These committees organize and host programs to eliminate gender bias in the legal community, support women lawyers in assuming positions of leadership, advocate for women’s rights, and encourage adoption of legislative and judicial reforms. The committees also sponsor periodic employment surveys, work to increase the representation of women on the bench, and write amicus briefs on major issues affecting women. Queen’s Bench supports numerous community projects, including sponsoring scholarships for promising law students at Hastings and University of San Francisco law schools.

In addition to committee activities, Queen’s Bench sponsors ongoing events and meetings geared towards meeting the professional needs of lawyers, judges and law students. Our events frequently feature prominent judges and attorneys in areas of interest to our members on substantive legal topics and issues of concern to women. Queen’s Bench is a registered provider of continuing legal education and many of our programs qualify for MCLE credit.

Our past speakers have included exceptional women of national prominence, including Isabel Allende, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, Eleanor Holmes Norton and Pat Schroeder, the Honorable Justices Joyce Kennard and the Honorable Kathryn M. Werdegar of the California Supreme Court. Queen’s Bench members receive a quarterly newsletter with details of upcoming events and items of interest to women and women lawyers, and the information is also posted at Queen’s Bench’s website.

Queen’s Bench welcomes all members of the legal profession and law students who share our commitment to equal rights and equal opportunity, to join our proud tradition and work for the achievement of our important goals.


“I joined Queen’s Bench immediately after graduating from Hastings Law  School (now UC Law San Francisco). My situation was different from  most new members in that my mother Mildred W. Levin was a member  of Queen’s Bench and had been for more than 30 years. She was  President in 1959. Not only was she a member but over the years as I  was growing up, I attended a number of Queen’s Bench events she  hosted at our home. My mother always said she made some of her best  friends through Queen Bench and that has been my experience as well.  She also felt that Queen’s Bench gave her valuable professional  connections, exposure and opportunities. That was definitely true for  me. One example was in 1979, when I was President of Queen Bench  and there was an open seat on the Municipal Court. One of the reasons  I was urged to run for election to that seat and decided to, was knowing  that I had the members of Queen’s Bench supporting me. As a Judge,  Queen’s Bench has kept me connected to young women lawyers  through events and committees and connected to my friends as well.”

- Judge Ina Levin Gyemant, Ret.

“I was invited to a Board meeting many years ago, and instantly wanted to get involved in and attend Queen's Bench events. Over the years I remain constantly impressed by the breadth of experience and intelligence of our members and accessibility to them, especially through our annual events. This accessibility is invaluable to both practicing attorneys and law students. Queen's Bench continues to be an invaluable resource to my law practice.”

- Lisa Villasenor-Volosing

“What drew me to Queen's Bench was not only that it was an association of women lawyers, but that they were doing amazing things for society.  Here was a place where I could draft an amicus brief on a fundamental issue, be part of the process of recommending a judge for appointment, have a voice in the legislative process, and otherwise support important causes that would advance equality for everyone.  I saw Queen's Bench as an organization where I could be not just a better lawyer, but a better citizen.”

- Kara Wild

I joined QB because I was looking to find a community of women lawyers to help me navigate my legal career.  What I found at Queen’s Bench was much more – not only did I find inspiring and smart women as mentors, but I also found amazing friends who have been there every step of the way as I made my way along with winding road of life both professionally and personally.  Now, as a member of the board of directors, I appreciate having the opportunity to introduce others to this remarkable network of women lawyers. 

- Angel L. Garrett

I joined Queen's Bench 6-7 years ago, and have found that it is rewarding and energizing to be part of this women’s Bar Association. The leadership at Queens Bench stands up for change and takes steps to make a difference while lifting up women in our profession. My favorite part of Queens Bench has been the honest conversations, the  mentorship, and the connection. I am  most impressed by how our colleagues really deliver and support each other, sometimes even finding you who and what you need before you even leave the room.

I regularly tell law students how important it is to find their community, to get involved in something outside of the law school,  and to reach out to people who are making change in the world. Queens Bench has been a great place for all of these things. 

- Kaelyn Romey

Become a member of Queen’s Bench Bar Association

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Queen's Bench Bar Association of the San Francisco Bay

Queen’s Bench Bar Association
1250-i  Newell Ave., #220
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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